In today’s digital age, screens are all around us, and it is common to see babies and toddlers with
tablets, smartphones, and other devices in their hands. However, there is a growing concern
about what the excessive use of screens could do to the young developing brains of children. In
this blog post, we will explore the science behind the impact of screens on babies and whether
parents should give or avoid screen time.
What is Screen Time?
Screen time can refer to the amount of time a child spends in front of a television, computer,
tablet, or smartphone screen. This time can either be related to passive screen time, which
means watching videos or scrolling through social media, or active screen time, which involves
learning via educational programs or apps.
The Pros of Screen Time:
Screen time can provide a wealth of educational and sensory experiences for young children and
can assist with early learning development. Studies have found that educational programs and
games can aid in teaching young children language, colors, shapes, and other learning
processes. Educational apps can also help build essential skills such as letter recognition,
problem-solving, and fine motor skills.
The Cons of Screen Time:
While screen time can be useful, too much exposure can have negative consequences. Young
brains aren’t fully developed, and excessive screen time can lead to attention problems, sleep
disturbances, and it may interfere with physical and social development in children. High levels
of screen time have also been linked to language delays and learning difficulties in young
Guidelines for Screen Time:
It is important to establish clear guidelines about screen time. Children under the age of two
should not be given any screen time. The recommended screen time to be given to children above the age of two should not exceed 30 minutes. Another thing to keep in mind is that only age approved viewing should be allowed. However, it is crucial to note that excessive screen time will negatively impact a child’s physical, mental, and emotional development.
Alternatives to Screen Time:
Instead of screen time, parents can invest in board books, sensory toys, and other
developmental toys designed to aid children’s growth. Involving children in physical activities
such as outdoor play or dance classes can help promote emotional, social, and physical
development. Additionally, parents can engage in interactive activities like reading, singing, and
playing games.
In conclusion, screen time can provide educational value to babies, but it is essential to
understand the risks of excessive screen time. The best practice is to limit screen time and
engage children in interactive activities and physical play. Parents must prioritize the health of
their children and find other resources and alternatives to screen time that can promote their
development without exposing them to the risks associated with excessive screen time.